Adding Default Mailing Lists to PrizeFiler new clients When creating a new client inside PrizeFiler you can set up the option for new clients to receive all the...
PrizeFiler – Kiosk Giveaway The PrizeFiler kiosk module allows for quick giveaways by producers, volunteers and staff without requiring a full login access to...
Prizefiler – Prize Setup To give-away a prize inside PrizeFiler you need to attach it to a competition first, once it is attached to...
PrizeFiler – Competitions For PrizeFiler to work we need to define a competition. A competition does not need to have an associated Prize....
PrizeFiler – Competitions – Winners To view a report on-screen or exportable as CSV or PDF of the winners of a specific competition you can...
PrizeFiler – New Client Fields When using the PrizeFiler Kiosk for creating new clients you can define what fields when adding the clients are mandatory...
PrizeFiler – Custom Fields Prompting As part of the PrizeFiler giveaway module you might want to ask specific questions for further data for storing against...
PrizeFiler – Processing Back-End The Profiler PrizeFiler Backend Processing screen allows you to handle the prizes that have been won and how to either...
Client Prizes When looking up a client in Client Management module you can click on the left hand side of the client...
PrizeFiler – General Setup The PrizeFiler module has a number of general setup options that are accessible via PrizeFiler > General Setup These options...