Display Receipt ID rather than Payment ID When viewing a Client > Payment you will see a list of all the payments the client has made Each...
Inactivation Reasons When you are making a client Inactive – you can give a reason why you are making this client inactive....
Merging Clients If you have identified clients that have been entered in multiple times into the system, you will want to merge...
Linking a Profiler Client to a Xero Contact Profiler allows you to link a client to a customer inside Xero. Often this link can be done automatically as...
Creating a Payment and Issuing a Receipt This continues in the “I’m New Here” series designed for the day-to-day operational basic training of the Profiler system. This...
CLI008 – Role Reporting Client Role reporting allows to generate reporting based upon the Client > Role options and/or sub-role options. To generate a...
PrizeFiler – New Client Fields When using the PrizeFiler Kiosk for creating new clients you can define what fields when adding the clients are mandatory...
Client Prizes When looking up a client in Client Management module you can click on the left hand side of the client...
Deleting Clients In some situations you may want to delete a client in Profiler. It is preferable you make them inactive or...