Gateway Failure Reminders

When you have automatic regular payments that fail – Profiler has a number of options that can happen when the failure has occurred. This document outlines the options that are capable on the failure of a regular payment.

After a regular payment has successfully processed the “failure” counter is reset to 0.

To manage the Gateway Failure options go to Regular Payments > Payment Gateway Failures and upon loading you are presented with 4 options.

The screen is in 4 sections – 1 for each section when a failure occurs. Each time the failure occurs the “gateway attempt” field goes up by 1 value. The 4 sections of this screen relate to each time the number goes up.

All four sections operate the same with the same options, which are:

  • Status – set this as Active if you wish Profiler to check for the options when a failure hits this number count
  • Move Due Date Forward – you can put a number in here, and upon the failure, the due date of the regular payment is moved forward by the number of days specified here, ready to be deducted again.
  • Expire the Regular Payment – when ticked, this will expire (inactivate) the regular payment when it reaches this failure attempt stage
  • Send Template – this template will be emailed to the client upon failure on this stage. Your template list is available in Setup > Templates > Email Templates.

When you have set the options they will become available upon the next time a regular payment processes and fails – these rules will be analysied.

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