CBM Data Import The CBM data export is available for import natively into Profiler. This will look at the data provided and match...
Raisely Integration Profiler supports integration with 3rd party crowd fundraising platform RAISELY. You can use a Raisely page for your fundraising and...
WooCommerce Integration If you run a Web Store with WooCommerce you can bring these individual payments however a little set up needs...
Google Analytics 4 Setting up Google Anayltics 4 for reading into Profiler Special Events Google Analytics Side From google analytics go to Admin...
Mailchimp Integration Processes Profiler will integrate with Mailchimp to synchronize lists and campaigns sent from Mailchimp back against each client. Prerequisites Managing the...
Stripe / Gravity Form Integration Profiler will support the payment information provided from Gravity Forms using the data field setup as provided here – however,...
JotForms Payment Integration We support JotForms to send data into the RAPID integration system for online payments. For this to work we need...
Enabling automatic memberships via RAPID By default Profiler will not automatically create a membership payment received via RAPID. This allows a Profiler user to check...
Adding Westpac Classic API/Certificates Westpac Payway has the modern REST API for Profiler to use, however, we support the older Westpac Classic Credit Card...