• Sending a bulk SMS from a search result

    You can send a bulk SMS from your search results (or report) via the Browse List. You can run a report and choose to send the clients to the browse list, or this example, we will show you how to send a list of clients to the Browse List, and…

  • Sending a 1 off SMS

    If you wish to send a single SMS to a client (or any number) you can do this from the client screen – (if the client has a Mobile Phone number) Upon clicking the mobile number option, you will be presented the normal SMS sending screen – you can pick…

  • SMS Broadcast (outgoing)

    Integration with SMS Broadcast provider is available from the Setup > Integration > Social and Media Setup Towards the bottom of the screen go to Outgoing SMS Provider In Provider select SMS Broadcast as the broadcast provider. From your SMS Broadcast account the API Username and API Password are required…

  • Linking a Mailing List as a SMS Send List

    To tell Profiler that a previously set up mailing list (Setup > Mailings > Mailing List) is used for bulk SMS communication, you can set this up at Setup > Integration > Social and Media Setup. In the General Settings you can set the SMS Mailing List to the list…

  • Creating and Using a SMS Template

    You can create a SMS template that is used commonly, so you don’t need to type in the SMS text each time. SMS templates are set in Setup > Templates and click SMS Templates at the top of the screen. You will see a list of existing templates upon loading….

  • Sending a Bulk SMS

    This article explains how to send a SMS Bulk (not 1-off) to a list of clients (Mailing) from within Profiler. With your clients you wish to send the SMS to, you should find them and create a mailing as per the normal methods (Mailing Wizard, Reports etc) From Reports >…

  • SMS Reply Numbers

    You can set extra SMS reply numbers or names in Profiler (if using a SMS Gateway provider) via the Integration setup. For each number or name you wish to add, follow these steps Go to Setup > Integration > Social and Media Setup In the Outgoing SMS section of the…

  • PrizeFiler – Processing Back-End

    The Profiler PrizeFiler Backend Processing screen allows you to handle the prizes that have been won and how to either send them out, or control the pick-up of them (if they are set as Pickup Delivery) To access this back-end screen go to PrizeFiler > PrizeFiler Processing Upon loading you…