Fail-Over / RAPID Online Payment Source Codes

RAPID online payments allow you to set a source code for any online payment methods manually OR allow you to set them on your web-form so it passes across (helpful if you run multiple different forms for different purposes)

This article explains how to set the default online payment source code received on the RAPID payments, along with a fail-over code (if for some reason a source code does not exist) it can be used.

Default Source Codes

To set up the default codes go to Setup > Integration > General Integration Settings – this is the screen used to control a lot of your online integration options.

The top part of the screen allows you to specify what source code you want to use for each of the types of online received payments:

  • OLDON – online tax deductible/gift payment
  • PLG – regular giving gift
  • MEM – Subscription/Memberships

Depending on the type of data coming in will depend on the source code you wish to use. If you are specifying the source code on your form, you can set this as No Source Code Setting – Set Externally – this means the form will be sending the source code.

If using the Set Externally option, you should use the Fallback Source Code setting (discussed below) for if the source code does not exist.

If you wish all payments for a particular type to be allocated to a source code, you can select the source code from the list, and when complete, scroll to the bottom and hit Save Changes. Any future online payments (OLDON, PLG, MEM) will come through as the source code specified.

Failover Source Codes

The fail-over section for source codes should be set as the “Default” fall back to source code (ie. GIFT or something generic) for each type of Payment Method (OLDON, MEM, PLG). This is especially important if you set the original source codes as “Set Externally”

If for whatever reason the original source code no longer exists (or is expired), payments to that type of payment (OLDON, MEM, PLG) will “Failover” to this source code that has been selected here, allowing the payments to continue through.

Simply select the Source Code you require for each Payment Type from the drop down, then scroll to the bottom and hit Save Changes

These Failover Codes will only be used in the situation of the main source code for that payment method becoming unavailable.

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