Email Merge Fields

These fields can be used in Profiler Email Templates (locally made) or imported from an External Source (Mailchimp, Active Campaign etc). Merge fields may be case sensitive. It is best to have the merge field as lower case to ensure the most compatibility.

These merge fields can be in the template as [mergefield] or *|mergefield|*

General Information

Merge FieldDescription / Note
dateCurrent Date
dateext(as above)
dateshortCurrent Date – format of ddmmyyyy
datedmy(as above)
current_timeCurrent Time – format of H:mm (ie. 10:21)
current_yearCurrent Year (ie. 2021)
sitenameThe site/database main name

Client Information

Merge FieldDescription / Note
salutationClient Salutation Field
firstnameFirst Name field
fname(as above)
surnameLast Name field
lname(as above)
displaynameThe client full name (ie. John Smith)
emailClient Email Address 1
orgThe organisation/business name (if Corporate Client)
clientnumProfiler Client ID
profilerid(as above)
clientid(as above)
phoneahClient Phone AH
phonebusClient Phone Business/Work
phonemobileClient Mobile Number 1
addressClient Address
addresseeClient Addressee Field
suburbClient Suburb
stateClient State
postcodeClient Postcode
orgtypeidClient Organisation Type field (if defined)
titleClient Title (Mr, Mrs etc)
responsibilityProfiler Username of the Responsibility of the client
responsibility_fullnameFull name of the Profiler User who is responsible for the client
responsibility_firstnameFirst name of the Profiler User who is responsible for the client
email_salutationThe email description field (or client salutation if not set)
customData/Value of Custom Field Number X
portal_link_ccDirect Portal URL Update for updating of Stored Payment Methods
portal_link_updateDirect Portal URL Update for updating Key Client Info (Address etc)
portal_link_memDirect Portal URL Update for renewing / creating new memberships/subscriptions

Regular Payments/Subscriptions/Memberships

Merge FieldDescription / Note
pledgeidRegular Giving ID number (REGXXXXXXX)
pledgetypeidThe type of regular giving/subscription that is setup
pledgetypeA human readable version of the above code (description)
amountThe amount per time of payment (ex. GST)
gstThe GST amount per time of payment
totalThe total amount (amount + GST) per time of payment
pledgeamount(as above)
freqHow frequent the payment will come out (ie. 1, 2, 3)
periodHow often the payment will come out (month, year, quarter)
expiryWhen the regular payment is next due
expirydate(as above) (format is dd-mm-yyyy)
sourceidSource ID of the regular payment that is made
sourceThe description of what the source code is
pledgedueWhen the regular payment is next due (dd mmm yy)
pledgeduemyMonth and Year of the next due (mmm yyyy)
cardexpyIf Automatic Payment, the mm/yyyy of the credit card expiry
receiptnameThe name of the regular payment receipt will be made out to
taxname(as above)
gatewaytriesThe number of times has been attempted to auto-deduct
duedaysNumber of days until the payment is due
back2busdayAdd/Substracts the expiry date to the next business day


Merge FieldDescription / Note
prize_letterThe long text assigned to the prize
prize_descriptionThe description of the prize allocated

Online Payment / Integration Data

Merge FieldDescription / Note
emailEmail Address entered from website
titleTitle (mr, mrs etc)
surnameSurname of the client
firstnameFirstname of the client
salutationSalutation of the client
orgBusiness Name if the client is corporate/business
donationamountThe amount paid/donated online
amount(as above)
pledgedamountThe amount regular giving is set for each time
addressThe client address
suburbThe client suburb
stateThe client state
postcodeThe client postcode
taxnameThe receipt name the client will be issued with
holdingidRAPID ID number (for received/temp receipt)
datatypeThe type of RAPID interaction (OLDON, MEM etc)
phonemobileThe mobile phone number of the client entered
statusThe payment status (Approved/Declined etc)
commentsThe comments entered by the client

Payment Information

Merge FieldDescription / Note
amount1The payment amount for line X (in this case 1)
don1Payment ID for the payment (same for all rows)
ref1The receipt number of the line transaction
date1The payment date (same for all rows) (dd/mm/yy)
gst1The GST amount for the line X
total1The TOTAL amount for the line X (Amount + GST)
desc1The source code public description for the line
pay1The payment method for the payment (same for all rows)
pledge1The Regular ID for the row if it was a payment regular

The above table, the number 1 can be substituted for 1 – 10, for each payment line
paymenttableA table of all the payments, amounts and receipts
signbyThe receipt sign by (default or source code override)
signtitleThe receipt sign by title (as above) (ie. General Manager)
sourceThe list of all source code(s) description for the payment
sourcesiteThe name of the site that owns the source code
taxnameThe receipt name of the payment
totalntdTotal amount of payment (NON TAX DEDUCTIBLE)
totaltdTotal amount of payment (TAX DEDUCTIBLE)
amountTotal amount of both NON and TAX deductible
abnThe site ABN (as set in Setup > System Wide Settings)
dateextExtended Date (dddd d mmmm yyyy)
paymenttoThe name of the tax deductible fund (as set in System Wide)
contentThe receipt text letter (Payment > Receipt Text)
line1Line 1 of the receipt text

Other Fields

Merge FieldDescription / Notes
tallyThe current special event tally

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