Auto-Assign Sales/Prospect Clients

You can set up Profiler to auto-assign a responsibility for a client in the Prospect module based upon if:

  1. The client has no set responsibility
  2. The user making the interaction is defined as a “Auto-Assign” user
  3. The interaction has a reminder/follow up date
Setup the Feature

This is the instructions for setting up the paramters

  1. Go to Sales > Sales User Setup
  2. In the list of users, click the checkbox that can have the auto-assign option enabled
  3. Click Save Changes

The second part of the screen (Options for Auto-Assign/Un-Assign) defines the logic for the auto-expiry after no action on the client interactions.

You need to tick the Option for the 1st Interaction to assign the responsibility this means the system will auto-assign upon the interaction being created with a reminder/follow up date.

The Expire After will set the value, that if no follow up/interaction has been done AFTER the initial reminder date PLUS the number of days in this field, the client will loose the responsbility of the user who made that initial reminder.

When updated this value, click Save Changes and this system will go live.


The usage of the system for interactions does not change significantly. If a client is selected and a new interaction is created, and the Reminder check box is enabled/checked the user will note an alert saying they will be auto-assigned this client.

As the reminder is created as per normal, the auto-assignment will happen on Save Changes button push 

The date of checking for interactions is looking at How Many Interactions since Reminder_Date + VALUE_OF_LOOK_FOWARD – if the number of interactions is = 0 then the responsibilty is cleared

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